Chapter 5 WAN Setup
P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
The following table describes the fields in this screen.
5.4.1 Layer 2 Interface Configuration
Click the Add button in the Layer 2 Interface screen to open the following
screen. Use this screen to create a new layer-2 interface. At the time of writing,
you can configure only one PTM or Ethernet layer-2 interface on the P-2812HNU-
Table 18 Layer 2 Interface
Interface Select an interface for which you want to configure here.
PTM: The P-2812HNU-51c uses the VDSL technology for data
transmission over the DSL port.
ATM: The P-2812HNU-51c uses the ADSL technology for data
transmission over the DSL port.
Ethernet: The P-2812HNU-51c transmits data over the Ethernet WAN
port. Select this if you have a DSL router or modem in your network
Current Mode This displays whether the P-2812HNU-51c uses the DSL port or
Ethernet WAN port for Internet access.
When you set the DSL/WAN switch (on the back of the P-2812HNU-
51c) to the DSL side, this displays PTM/ATM WAN. The WAN port
will be disabled automatically.
When you set the DSL/WAN switch to the WAN side, this displays
ETH WAN. The DSL port will be disabled automatically. This allows
the P-2812HNU-51c to work as an Ethernet gateway instead of a DSL
router. To access the Internet, connect the WAN port to a broadband
modem or router.
Interface This is the name of the interface.
Vpi This is the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI).
Vci This is the Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI).
Category This is the ATM traffic class.
Link Type This is the DSL link type of the ATM layer-2 interface.
Connection Mode This displays the connection mode of the layer-2 interface.
QoS This displays whether QoS (Quality of Service) is enabled on the P-
Remove Click the Remove button to delete this interface from the P-2812HNU-
51c. A window displays asking you to confirm that you want to delete
the interface.
Note: You cannot remove the layer-2 interface when a WAN
service is associated with it.
Add Click this button to create a new layer-2 interface.