P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
OAM 383, 398
OAM ping test 383
OK response 221, 223
operation humidity 395
operation temperature 395
Operation, Administration and Maintenance,
see OAM
outside header 269
Packet Transfer Mode 99
Pairwise Master Key (PMK) 477, 479
Peak Cell Rate (PCR) 105, 127
peer-to-peer calls 212
Per-Hop Behavior, see PHB 325
PHB 226, 325
phone book
speed dial 212
phone functions 231
ping 405
timeout 406
Point to Point Protocol over ATM Adaptation
Layer 5 (AAL5) 126
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol 194
POP3 193, 275, 276
ports 31
power adaptor 399
power specifications 395
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) Link Layer
Protocol 398
PPP over ATM AAL5 398
PPP over Ethernet 398
PPPoE 126
Benefits 126
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)
PPTP 194
preamble mode 471
pre-shared key 274
print server 27
printer sharing 239
and LAN 240
requirements 240
product registration
PSK 477
PTM 99
QoS 225, 307, 325
marking 308
setup 307
tagging 308
versus CoS 308
Quality of Service, see QoS
Quick Start Guide 73
message types 473
messages 473
shared secret key 474
Reach-Extended ADSL 398
Real time Transport Protocol, see RTP
product 514
related documentation 3
remote management
TR-069 331
Remote Procedure Calls, see RPCs 331
resetting your device 29
restore 375
RFC 1058. See RIP.
RFC 1389. See RIP.
RFC 1483 126, 398
RFC 1631 183
RFC 1889 220
RFC 2131. See DHCP.
RFC 2132. See DHCP
RFC 2364 398
RFC 2516 397, 398