Chapter 17 DNS Route
P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
17.2.1 DNS Route Edit
Click the Add button in the DNS Route screen. Use this screen to configure the
required information for a DNS route.
Figure 156 DNS Route > Add
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 99 DNS Route > Add
Domain Name Enter the domain name you want to resolve.
You can use the wildcard character, an “*” (asterisk) as the left most part
of a domain name, such as *.example.com. The P-2812HNU-51c
forwards DNS queries for any domain name ending in example.com to
the WAN interface specified in this route.
IP Subnet
Enter the subnet mask for the resolved IP address.
The subnet mask specifies the network number portion of an IP address.
This is to specify the size of the network number, which determines the
maximum number of possible resolved IP addresses for the same domain
Use Interface Select a WAN interface through which the matched DNS query is sent.
You must have the WAN interface(s) already configured in the WAN
Apply Click this button to save your changes and return to the previous screen.