Chapter 1 Introducing the P-2812HNU-51c
P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
None of the LEDs are on if the P-2812HNU-51c is not receiving power.
Table 1 LED Descriptions
PWR/SYS Green On The P-2812HNU-51c is receiving power and ready for
Blinking The P-2812HNU-51c is self-testing.
Red On The P-2812HNU-51c detected an error while self-testing,
or there is a device malfunction.
Off The P-2812HNU-51c is not receiving power.
PHONE 1/2 Green On A SIP account is registered for the phone port.
Blinking A telephone connected to the phone port has its receiver
off of the hook or there is an incoming call.
Orange On A SIP account is registered for the phone port and there
is a voice message in the corresponding SIP account.
Blinking A telephone connected to the phone port has its receiver
off of the hook and there is a voice message in the
corresponding SIP account.
Off The phone port does not have a SIP account registered.
USB Green On The P-2812HNU-51c recognizes a USB connection.
Blinking The P-2812HNU-51c is sending/receiving data to /from
the USB device connected to it.
Off The P-2812HNU-51c does not detect a USB connection.
WAN Green On The P-2812HNU-51c has an Ethernet connection with a
device on the WAN.
Blinking The P-2812HNU-51c is sending/receiving data to/from
the WAN.
Off The P-2812HNU-51c does not have an Ethernet
connection with the WAN.
Green On The P-2812HNU-51c has a successful 1000 Mbps
Ethernet connection with a device on the Local Area
Network (LAN).
Blinking The P-2812HNU-51c is sending or receiving data to/from
the LAN at 1000 Mbps.
Orange On The P-2812HNU-51c has a successful 10/100 Mbps
Ethernet connection with a device on the Local Area
Network (LAN).
Blinking The P-2812HNU-51c is sending or receiving data to/from
the LAN at 10/100 Mbps.
Off The P-2812HNU-51c does not have an Ethernet
connection with the LAN.