Chapter 9 Voice
P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
RFC 3262 RFC 3262 defines a mechanism to provide reliable transmission of SIP
provisional response messages, which convey information on the
processing progress of the request. This uses the option tag 100rel and
the Provisional Response ACKnowledgement (PRACK) method.
Select this to have the P-2812HNU-51c include a SIP Require/
Supported header field with the option tag 100rel in all INVITE
requests. When the P-2812HNU-51c receives a SIP response message
indicating that the phone it called is ringing, the P-2812HNU-51c sends
a PRACK message to have both sides confirm the message is received.
If you select this option, the peer device should also support the option
tag 100rel to send provisional responses reliably.
Bound Interface
Bound Interface
If you select LAN or Any_WAN, the P-2812HNU-51c automatically
activates the VoIP service when any LAN or WAN connection is up.
If you select Multi_WAN, you also need to select the pre-configured
WAN connections. The VoIP service is activated only when one of the
selected WAN connections is up.
Outbound Proxy
Outbound Proxy
Enter the IP address or domain name of the SIP outbound proxy server
if your VoIP service provider has a SIP outbound server to handle voice
calls. This allows the P-2812HNU-51c to work with any type of NAT
router and eliminates the need for STUN or a SIP ALG. Turn off any SIP
ALG on a NAT router in front of the P-2812HNU-51c to keep it from re-
translating the IP address (since this is already handled by the
outbound proxy server).
Outbound Proxy
Enter the SIP outbound proxy server’s listening port, if your VoIP
service provider gave you one. Otherwise, keep the default value.
RTP Port Range
Start Port
End Port
Enter the listening port number(s) for RTP traffic, if your VoIP service
provider gave you this information. Otherwise, keep the default values.
To enter one port number, enter the port number in the Start Port and
End Port fields.
To enter a range of ports,
• enter the port number at the beginning of the range in the Start
Port field.
• enter the port number at the end of the range in the End Port field.
Table 58 VoIP > SIP > SIP Service Provider (continued)