
Command Reference Guide Enable Mode Command Set
61200510L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 293
show spanning-tree interface gigabit-ethernet <interface id> [active |
active detail | cost | detail | detail active | priority | rootcost | state]
Use the show spanning-tree interface gigabit-ethernet command to display spanning-tree protocol
information for a particular Gigabit Ethernet interface.
Syntax Description
<slot/port> Specify the slot and port number of the interface.
active Optional. Displays information for an active interface.
active detail Optional. Displays detailed spanning-tree protocol information for an active
cost Optional. Displays only spanning-tree protocol path cost information.
detail Optional. Displays detailed spanning-tree protocol information.
detail active Optional. Displays detailed spanning-tree protocol information.
priority Optional. Displays only spanning-tree protocol priority information.
rootcost Optional. Displays only spanning-tree protocol root path cost information.
state Optional. Displays only spanning-tree protocol state information.
Default Values
No default value necessary for this command.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 1000 and 1000R Series units.
Command History
Release 5.1 Command was introduced.
Usage Examples
The following is an example output using the show spanning-tree interface gigabit-ethernet command:
#show spanning-tree interface gig 0/2
Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type
------------------- ------------------- ------------------ ----------- ------------- ---------------
gig-eth 0/2 Desg FWD 19 128.27 P2p