User Cal
(User Power
Level Flatness
The User Cal (user power level flatness calibration)
function lets you compensate for path variations
with frequency that are caused by external switch
ing, amplifiers, couplers, mixers, multipliers, divid
ers, and cables in the test setup. This is done by
means of an entered power-offset table from a GPIB
power meter or calculated data. When user level
flatness calibration is activated, the set power level
is delivered at the point in the test setup where the
calibration was performed. This “flattening” of the
test point power level is accomplished by summing a
power-offset word (from the power-offset table) with
the signal generator's normal power level DAC word
at each frequency point.
Up to five user level flatness calibration power-off
set tables from 2 to 801 frequency points-per-table
can be created and stored in the MG369XB memory
for recall. The GPIB power meters supported are the
Anritsu Models ML2437A, ML2438A, and ML4803A
and the Hewlett-Packard Models 437B, 438A, and
70100A. The MG369XB’s internal power meter, pro-
vided with Option 8, may also be used. Refer to Sec-
tion 3-17 on page 3-116 for information on using the
internal power meter.
3-70 MG369XB OM
Leveling Operations Local (Front Panel) Operation
S w it c h M a t r i x ,
A m p l i f i e r s ,
C o u p l e r s , e t c .
P o w e r
M e t e r
R F O u t p u t
D e v i c e
U n d e r
T e s t
P o w e r
S e n s o r
R F I n p u t
F l a t n e s s
C o r r e c t e d
O u t p u t
M G 3 6 9 X B S i g n a l G e n e r a t o r
Figure 3-4. Setup for Creating a Power-Offset Table (User Level Flatness Calibration)