Table of Contents
7-1 Introduction ..............................7-3
7-2 Master-Slave Operation ........................7-4
Connecting the Instruments .................7-4
Initiating Master-Slave Operation ..............7-5
Master-Slave Operation....................7-7
Master-Slave Operation in VNA Mode ............7-7
Terminating Master-Slave Operation .............7-9
7-3 Use with a 56100A Scalar Network Analyzer ............7-10
Connecting the MG369XB to the 56100A ..........7-10
7-4 Use with a 8003 Scalar Network Analyzer .............7-11
Connecting the MG369XB to the 8003 ............7-11
Setting Up the MG369XB ..................7-12
Initiating 8003 SNA Operation ...............7-13
7-5 Use with a HP8757D Scalar Network Analyzer...........7-15
Connecting the MG369XB to a HP8757D ..........7-15
Setting Up the MG369XB ..................7-16
Initiating HP8757D SNA Operation .............7-18
7-6 IF Up-Conversion (Option 7) .....................7-19
MG369XB Mixer Setup ...................7-20
7-7 mmWave Source Modules ......................7-21
Chapter 7
Use With Other Instruments