Rotary Data Knob
The rotary data knob can be used to change the
value of a parameter that is open for editing. The
cursor is moved under the open parameter using the
< and > cursor control keys. Then, by slowly turning
the knob clockwise or counterclockwise the value of
the parameter is increased or decreased by the unit
size. The unit size is determined by the cursor place
ment. Turning the knob rapidly changes the value of
the parameter in larger steps.
When editing frequency, power level, and time pa
rameters, the incremental size can be set to a spe
cific value using the system configuration increment
menu (page 3-84). Once set and activated, each time
the knob is turned clockwise or counter-clockwise,
the parameter's value increases or decreases by the
set amount.
The numeric keypad provides for entering frequency,
power level, time, and number-of-steps parameters
and GPIB address values. The “+/–” key functions as
a “change sign” key during any keypad entry.
Clear Entry Key
When a parameter is open for editing, the clear en-
try key is used to clear the parameter entry.
Back Space Key
The back space key is used to correct keypad data
entry errors by deleting the last number, “–”, or deci
mal point entered.
Termination Soft-Keys
Termination soft-keys are used to terminate keypad
data entries and change the parameter values in
memory. As shown on the left, termination soft-keys
are located on the right side of the menu display. If
the entered value is outside the allowable range of
the open parameter, an error message will be dis
played along with an audible “beep.” The frequency,
time, and power level termination soft-keys are:
GHz / MHz / kHz / Hz
Sec/ms/ms /ns
dB / dBm / dB mV (in log power level mode)
V / mV / mV (in linear power level mode)
MG369XB OM 3-13
Local (Front Panel) Operation Data Entry Area