Press < Previous to return to the Slave Frequencies
List menu.
Return to the Master-Slave menu and press Enable
to begin master-slave operation.
The following describes how to terminate mas
ter-slave operation and return the Slave instrument
to local (front panel) control.
On the Master instrument, select CW mode.
At the CW menu, press Master Slave > to access
the Master-Slave menu display.
At the Master-Slave menu display, press Enable .
This terminates master-slave operation and returns
the Slave instrument to local (front panel) control.
Use With Other Instruments Master-Slave Operation
MG369XB OM 7-9
During master-slave operations in
VNA mode, this error message is
displayed on the Master
instrument whenever the slave off
set value entered results in a CW
frequency or frequency sweep out
side the range of the Slave unit. En
tering a valid offset value clears the