Press Insert at Index to insert the default power
level (0 dBm) at the current list index.
Because the list size is fixed, inserting a new in
dex will cause the last index to be lost. The fre
quency andpower levelat list index1999 willbe
deleted and cannot be recovered.
Press Delete at Index to delete the current list in
Delete entry cannot be undone. Once a list in
dex is deleted, the only recovery is to re-enter
the deleted frequency and power level.
Press < Previous to return to the List Sweep menu
Copying Data from the CW Menu
An easy method of entering frequency and power
level information into the current list index is to
copy the data from the CW menu.
First, access the main List Sweep menu and press
the Edit List Index soft-key to open the list index pa-
rameter. Then, select the list index that you want
the data to be added to.
Next, press the CW soft-key at the bottom of the
display. The CW menu (below) is displayed.
Use the Edit F1 and Edit L1 soft-keys to set the
frequency and power level to the values you wish to
enter into the current list index.
Press the Copy to List soft-key to copy the data to
the current list index.
MG369XB OM 3-47
Local (Front Panel) Operation Sweep Frequency Operation