3-10 Power Level Sweep
The signal generator provides leveled output power sweeps at CW fre
quencies and in conjunction with frequency sweeps. Power level
sweeps can be from a high level to a low level or vice versa. Power
level sweeps can be selected to be linear or logarithmic. The following
paragraphs provide descriptions and operating instructions for the
CW power sweep mode and the sweep frequency/step power modes.
Use the CW Power Sweep Mode and Sweep Frequency/Step Power
Mode menu maps (Chapter 4, Figures 4-8 and 4-9) to follow the menu
Selecting CW
Power Sweep
In the CW power sweep mode, output power steps
between any two power levels at a single CW fre-
quency. Available menus let you set or select the
sweep range, the step size, the dwell time-per-step,
and the type of power sweep (linear or logarithmic)
and sweep trigger.
To place the MG369XB in a CW power sweep mode
from a CW frequency menu, press Level . At the re-
sulting menu display, press Level Sweep . The CW
Level Sweep menu (below) is displayed.
This menu lets you perform the following:
Select a power level sweep range (edit the
sweep start and stop power level parameters)
Set the dwell time-per-step
Set the step size
Set the number of steps
Access the trigger menu (select a sweep trig
3-56 MG369XB OM
Power Level Sweep Operation Local (Front Panel) Operation
Performing power level sweeps that cross step attenuator
switch points can cause excessive wear on the switches and
reduce the life expectancy of the step attenuator.