The Edit List Index soft-key is not the only way to
change the list index. In the list sweep mode with
manual trigger selected, each time the Ù or Ú cursor
control key is pressed the list index increments or
decrements by one. The Edit List Index soft-key is
used if a larger change in the list index is desired.
The only time the cursor control keys will not
change the list index is when a different parameter,
such as frequency, power level, etc., is open.
The cursor control keys will then change the value
of the open parameter. Once the open parameter is
closed, the cursor control keys will again change the
list index.
Performing List Calculations
The Pre-Calc List soft-key [LEA] initiates a process
that examines every index in the list and performs
all the calculations necessary to set the frequency
and power levels. The soft-key does not have to be
pressed every time the list changes. The instrument
will perform the calculations to set the frequency
and power levels as it performs the initial list
sweep. This causes the initial list sweep to take lon-
ger than each subsequent sweep. Using the
Pre-Calc List soft-key lets the initial list sweep be
as fast as each subsequent sweep. The calculations
are stored in volatile RAM and are lost at instru-
ment power-off.
Press Pre-Calc List to perform list calculations. The
soft-key image depresses to show that calculations
are in progress. When the calculations are com
pleted, the soft-key returns to normal appearance.
Editing the Current List Index Frequency
Press Edit Fr to open the current list index fre
quency parameter for editing. Edit the current fre
quency using the cursor control keys, rotary data
knob, or enter a new value using the key pad and
termination soft-key. When you have finished set
ting the open parameter, close it by pressing
Edit Fr again or by making another menu selection.
3-44 MG369XB OM
Sweep Frequency Operation Local (Front Panel) Operation