Power Level
Accuracy Test
Power level accuracy is checked by stepping the
power down in one dB increments from its maxi
mum rated power level.
Step 1. Set up the MG369XB as follows:
a. Reset the instrument by pressing
System , then Reset . The CW menu
is displayed.
Press Edit F1 to open the current fre-
quency parameter for editing.
c. Set F1 to the CW frequency noted on
the test record for the model being
Press Edit L1 to open the current
power level parameter for editing.
e. Set L1 to the maximumspecified
power level noted in the datasheet.
Step 2. Measure the output power level with the
power meter and record the reading on
the test record.
Step 3. Verify that the reading meets the
specifications listed on the test record.
Step 4. Set L1 to the next test power level. Re
cord the power meter reading on the test
record and verify that it meets
Step 5. Repeat Step 4 for the other power levels
listed on the test record for the current
CW frequency.
Step 6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for all CW fre
quencies listed on the test record.
Operation Verification Level Accuracy and Flatness Tests
MG369XB OM 5-11
The power level accuracy test
records are generic to all models
and option configurations. Not all
of the power level settings may
apply to your specific model
configuration. Start with the
highest specified power level as
indicated in the technical
datasheet from Appendix B
located atthe back ofthis manual.