Selecting List
Sweep Mode
To place the MG369XB in list sweep frequency
mode, press Frequency . At the resulting menu dis
play, press List [LST]. The List Sweep menu (below)
is displayed.
This menu lets you perform the following:
Access the Frequency List menu (edit list in-
dex frequency parameters and insert and de-
lete list index entries)
Access the Power List menu (edit list index
power level parameters and insert and delete
list index entries)
Edit the list index parameter
Calculate all list index frequency and power
level settings
Access the Sweep menu (set sweep start index,
stop index, and dwell time and select a sweep
Edit the current list index frequency, Fr
Editing the List Index
Press Edit List Index [ELI(xxxx)] to open the list in
dex parameter for editing. Edit the current list in
dex value using the cursor control keys, rotary data
knob, or enter a new value using the key pad and
termination soft-key. When you have finished set
ting the open parameter, close it by pressing
Edit List Index again or by making another menu
MG369XB OM 3-43
Local (Front Panel) Operation Sweep Frequency Operation