5-6 Level Accuracy and
Flatness Tests
These tests verify that the power level accuracy and flatness of the
MG369XB meet specifications. Table 5-3, pages through , contains test
records that you can copy and use to record test results for these tests.
Test records are provided for each MG369XB model configuration.
Test Setup
Connect the equipment, shown in Figure 5-2, as fol-
Step 1. Calibrate the power meter with the power
Step 2. Connect the power sensor to the RF Out
put of the MG369XB.
Step 3. Connect the MG369XB rear panel HORIZ
OUT to the oscilloscope channel one input
(X input).
Before starting these procedures, lo
cate the test record in Table 5-3 for
the particular MG369XB model con
figuration being tested.
5-10 MG369XB OM
Level Accuracy and Flatness Tests Operation Verification
R F O u t p u t
M G 3 6 9 X B S i g n a l G e n e r a t o r
O s c i l l o s c o p e
P o w e r
S e n s o r
P o w e r M e t e r
C H 1 o r X I n p u t
Figure 5-2. Equipment Setup for Power Level Accuracy and Flatness Tests