Chapter 1
General Information
1-1 Scope of Manual This manual provides general information, installation, and operating
information for the Anritsu series MG369XB synthesized signal gener
ator. Throughout this manual, the terms MG369XB, signal generator,
and synthesizer will be used interchangeably to refer to the instru
ment. Manual organization is shown in the table of contents.
1-2 Introduction This chapter contains general information about the series MG369XB
signal generators. It includes a general description of the instrument
and information on its identification number, related manuals, options,
and performance specifications. A listing of recommended test equip
ment is also provided.
1-3 Description The series MG369XB synthesized signal generators are microproces-
sor-based, synthesized signal sources with high resolution phase-lock
capability. They generate both discrete CW frequencies and broad (full
range) and narrow band step sweeps across the frequency range of
2 GHz to 67 GHz. Options are available to extend the low end of the
frequency range to 0.1 Hz. All functions of the signal generator are
fully controllable locally from the front panel or remotely (except for
power on/standby) via the IEEE-488 General Purpose Interface Bus
(GPIB). Table 1-1, page 1-5, lists models, frequency ranges, and maxi
mum leveled output.
1-4 Identification
All Anritsu instruments are assigned a unique six-digit ID number,
such as “020312”. The ID number is imprinted on a decal that is af
fixed to the rear panel of the unit. Special-order instrument configura
tions also have an additional specials number tag attached to the rear
panel of the unit, such as SM1234.
When ordering parts or corresponding with Anritsu Customer Service,
please use the correct serial number with reference to the specific in
strument's model number (for example, model MG3693B synthesized
signal generator, serial number: 020312).
MG369XB OM 1-3