At the Configure GPIB menu, press More > to ac
cess the First Additional Configure GPIB menu (be
At this menu, press Emulation > to access the Sec
ond Additional Configure GPIB menu (below).
Press 8003 Scalar to enable the 8003 Scalar GPIB
mode. The display will reflect your selection.
The MG369XB signal generator is now ready to op
erate as a signal source for the 8003 SNA.
8003 SNA
To initiate SNA operation, turn ON the Model 8003
and calibrate a 8003 sensor(s). (Refer to the Model
8003 Scalar Network Analyzer Operation Manual
for the calibration procedure.)
Use the following procedure to set the 8003 Source
Address to “5”. (The default address is “6”.)
Step 1. On the 8003 front panel, press the
Step 2. Select GPIB DEVICES from the menu dis
played on the CRT screen.
Use With Other Instruments Use with a 8003 Scalar Network Analyzer
MG369XB OM 7-13