The following are the menu selections to provide
pulse modulation of the output signal using a modu
lating signal from both the internal pulse generator
and an external source.
Press Modulation . At the resulting Modulation
menu display, press Pulse . The Internal Pulse Sta
tus menu (below) is displayed.
This menu contains the Pulse Status window that
shows the current menu selections. This menu lets
you perform the following:
Turn pulse modulation on and off
Edit the Period (or PRF) and Width/Delay List
Access the Step Delay menu
Select the modulating signal source
Access the additional Pulse Status menus
Internal Pulse Source
Press Internal / External to select the internal pulse
generator as the modulating signal source.
Press On/Off to turn pulse modulation on and off.
The Internal Pulse status display will reflect your
selection as On or Off.
MG369XB OM 3-107
Local (Front Panel) Operation Signal Modulation
This error message is displayed
when a pulse parameter setting is
invalid for the current pulse modu
lation state. A listing of invalid pa
rameter settings is provided in Ta
ble 6-2, page 6-8.