Press More > to access the additional Internal
Pulse Status menu display (with Option 26, below
left; with Option 24, below right).
This menu allows you to perform the following:
Access the Pulse Mode menu
Access the Trigger Mode menu
Configure the internal pulse display
(Period or PRF)
Select the polarity of the pulse input signal
(Low or High) that turns on the RF
Select the pulse generator’s clock rate
Press Mode... to access the Pulse Mode menu dis-
play (below).
This menu displays the pulse modes (Single, Dou
blet, Triplet, and Quadruplet) that are available
from the pulse generator. Use the cursor control
keys to highlight the desired pulse mode, then select
it by pressing Select . The Internal Pulse Status
display will reflect your selection.
Press < Previous to return to the additional Inter
nal Pulse Status menu display.
MG369XB OM 3-109
Local (Front Panel) Operation Signal Modulation