From the additional Internal Pulse Status menu,
press Trigger... to access the Trigger Mode menu
display (below).
This menu lets you select the mode of triggering for
the internal pulse generator. (Each trigger mode is
described and illustrated on page 3-111.)
Use the cursor control keys to highlight the desired
trigger mode, then press Select to select it. The In-
ternal Pulse Status display will reflect your selec-
When you select the Gated, Triggered, or Triggered
w/delay mode, the menu display adds the menu
soft-keys Trig. and Trig. ¯ (below).
Press these keys to select whether the pulse genera
tor is triggered by the rising or falling edge of the
external trigger pulse.
Press < Previous to return to the additional Inter
nal Pulse Status menu display.
3-110 MG369XB OM
Signal Modulation Local (Front Panel) Operation