Selecting the
Data is delimited on the GPIB by either the carriage
return (CR) ASCII character or both the carriage re
turn and line feed (CR/LF) ASCII characters. Which
character is used depends upon the requirements of
the system controller. Most modern controllers can
use either CR or CR/LF, while many older control
lers require one or the other. Consult the controller's
manual for its particular requirements.
From the Configure GPIB menu display, you can se
lect which GPIB terminator to use by pressing the
menu soft-key GPIB Terminator . This menu soft-key
toggles the GPIB terminator between CR and
CR/LF. The current selection appears on the display.
The series MG369XB synthesized signal generators
can be remotely operated via the GPIB using an ex
ternal interface languageāNative. The Native in
terface language uses a set of MG369XB GPIB
product specific commands to control the instru-
ment. Detailed descriptions and a comprehensive
list of these commands can be found in the
MG369XB programming manual, P/N: 10370-10366.
GPIB Setup and Interconnection Installation
2-12 MG369XB OM