Once the frequency and power level information has
been entered into the current list index, the list in
dex is incremented by one.
Selecting a
List Sweep
Selecting a sweep range involves choosing a start in
dex and a stop index for the list sweep.
To access the Sweep menu (below) from the main
List Sweep menu, press Sweep > .
This menu lets you select a list sweep range, set
dwell-time-per-step, and access the trigger menu.
Press Start Index [LIB(xxxx)] to open the list sweep
start index parameter.
Press Stop Index [LIE(xxxx)] to open the list sweep
stop index parameter.
Press Dwell Time [LDT] to open the
dwell-time-per-step parameter.
Open the parameter you wish to change, then edit
the current value using the cursor control keys, ro
tary data knob, or enter a new value using the key
pad and appropriate termination soft-key. When you
have finished setting the open parameter, close it by
pressing its menu soft-key or by making another
menu selection.
To access the List Sweep Trigger menu from this
menu, press Trigger > . The trigger menu lets you
select a sweep trigger mode (described on the follow
ing page).
Press < Previous to return to the main List Sweep
menu display.
3-48 MG369XB OM
Sweep Frequency Operation Local (Front Panel) Operation