3-16 Signal Modulation The signal generator provides AM, FM, FM, and pulse modulation of
the output signal using modulating signals from either the internal
AM, FM, FM, and pulse generators or external sources that are
TTL-compatible. FM and FM are operationally exclusive; therefore,
only the AM, FM or FM, and pulse modulation modes can be active si
multaneously. The following paragraphs provide descriptions and op
erating instructions for each modulation mode. Use the Amplitude
Modulation Mode, Frequency Modulation Mode, Phase Modulation
Mode, and Pulse Modulation Mode menu maps (Chapter 4, Fig
ures 4-11 to 4-14) to follow the menu sequences.
Your modulation capabilities are dependent on the instru
ment’s installed options. The following descriptions and pro
cedures are presented to cover all of the possible instrument
configurations. Refer to your instrument’s rear panel for an
installed option list and to Appendix B—Performance Speci
fications for a current description of the available options.
Due to the complexity of remote programming the signal
modulation functions, GPIBcommands are not referenced in
this section. Refer to the GPIB programming manual for in-
formation on using the signal modulation commands.
The modulation modes are all accessed from the
main Modulation menu; press Modulation . The
main Modulation menu is displayed (below).
This menu allows you to access the available modu
lation modes.
Modulation status menus may display in this
menu if previously left open. The examples in
this manual aregiven relative to asystem-reset
3-92 MG369XB OM
Signal Modulation Local (Front Panel) Operation