Microplate Luminometer System Description
2.2 MONOLIGHT 3096 Microplate
The MONOLIGHT 3096 Microplate Luminometer is a compact,
flat desktop unit with small footprint; due to its small size it can
be set up on any lab workplace.
The MONOLIGHT 3096 can work without or with up to 2 injectors.
Simply connect the MONOLIGHT 3096 injector unit to the
To obtain reliable, consistent results, keep the following in mind:
• Do not expose instrument to direct sunlight or heavy
temperature fluctuations.
• Set instrument up in dry rooms.
• Keep microplate loading compartment free of dust and dirt.
• Clean spilled reagents inside the instrument immediately
using a clean and dry cloth.
• Open instrument door only for loading or cleaning to keep the
inside dust-free.
• Open service door next to the instrument door only after
having disconnected the instrument from main and when the
instrument door is open!
Figure 2-2
Microplate Luminometer
with injector unit
(front view)