Microplate Luminometer Raw Data
<Cancel> The changes are disregarded and the old values
are still valid. The program returns to the Proto-
col Manager.
5.3 Measurement
As soon as you have selected measurement protocol type Raw
Data PC and you have clicked <Run>, the program changes to
the [Raw Data PC] measurement menu. Communication with
the Microplate Luminometer is established (if this has not been
done during program start). “Initializing instrument” appears on
the status bar and the yellow LED lights up.
Please note: Before running a measurement, if desired, select
the autosave mode. Select this function in the [Options] menu.
Procedure (without injections)
❏ Insert microplate correctly into the luminometer and close
❏ Run background measurement, if necessary ( ).
❏ Select the wells to be measured (
❏ Start measurement ( ).
Figure 5-7:
Measurement menu
[Raw Data PC]
Status bar