
Microplate Luminometer Slow Kinetics
<Save> Saves the parameters in the existing measurement protocol file.
After you have saved the protocol, the program returns to the
Protocol Manager.
<Cancel> The changes are disregarded and the old values are still valid.
The program returns to the Protocol Manager.
6.3 Measurement
As soon as you have selected the measurement protocol type
Slow Kinetics and you have clicked <Run>, the program
changes to the measurement menu [Slow Kinetics]. Communi-
cation with the Microplate Luminometer is established. “Initial-
izing instrument” appears on the status bar and the yellow LED
lights up.
In the measurement menu [Slow Kinetics] the sample matrix is
displayed first, and below that a table for the measured values.
The table includes, row by row, the predefined data points for all
samples on the microplate (see Figure 6-8). A measurement of
the entire plate can also be started immediately by pressing the
Start button.
Figure 6-8:
Measurement menu
[Slow Kinetics] with
sample matrix and
table of measured