NOTE: If your disk is initialized with ODS-5 with hard links not enabled. You can enable them
after the upgrade by executing the following commands:
The target system disk is currently at On-Disk Structure Level 2
(ODS-2). It can be converted to On-Disk Structure Level 5 (ODS-5).
OpenVMS I64 systems include WBEM Services for OpenVMS; the WBEM data
repository requires an ODS-5 disk. If you choose to convert the
target system disk to ODS-5, the repository can be on the system
disk; otherwise you will need to provide an additional ODS-5 disk.
(? for more information.)
Do you want to convert the target system disk to ODS-5? (Yes/No/?)
If you answer YES, the disk will be converted to ODS-5. The procedure informs you that you
can use the BACKUP/CONVERT command to convert ODS-5 disks back to ODS-2 format; for
more information, see the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L.
NOTE: HP recommends that your system disk be structured in ODS-5 format unless you use
software that requires ODS-2. A brief comparison of ODS-2 and ODS-5, including advantages
and disadvantages, follows this note.
Note also that although WBEM Services for OpenVMS can be installed on an ODS-2 disk, the
WBEM Services for OpenVMS data repository requires an ODS-5 disk. A system disk in ODS-5
format can store everything; if you choose to have your disk in ODS-2 format, the procedure
asks you to provide an ODS-5 disk for the data repository.
A brief summary of ODS-2 and ODS-5 file systems follows; for more information, see the HP
OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials.
• ODS-2
ODS-2 allows for compatibility with OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems that use ODS-2
disks (as well as OpenVMS Integrity servers systems using ODS-2 disks). Choose ODS-2 if
you do not need the new features of ODS-5 disks, including the support of applications
ported from other operating systems (such as UNIX, Linux, and MS Windows) available
with ODS-5 disks.
• ODS-5
— ODS-5 supports file names that are longer and have a wider range of legal characters.
This feature permits use of file names similar to those in a Windows or UNIX
— ODS-5 supports hard links to files, access dates, and files whose names differ only by
— ODS-5 volumes cannot be mounted on any version of OpenVMS prior to Version 7.2.
— Systems running OpenVMS VAX Version 7.2 and higher can mount ODS-5 volumes
but cannot create or access files that have extended names. (On OpenVMS VAX systems,
lowercase file name characters are seen in uppercase.)
If you choose not to change to ODS-5, the upgrade continues and the target disk is mounted. For
Do you want to convert the target system disk to ODS-5? (Yes/No/?) NO
...OpenVMS I64 will be upgraded on DKB400:.
112 Upgrading the OpenVMS Operating System