
7. Provide the following information for the Integrity server being provisioned:
MP Login Credentials: This information is used to login to the MP console of the target
server to provision OpenVMS. The default for the user name and password is Admin.
Timeout (in minutes): This value determines the maximum duration of inactivity
allowed on the system console during OpenVMS installation or upgrade, after which
HP SIM provisioning reports that the system is not responding. The default value for
vMedia provisioning is set to ten minutes. You can modify this default value, but HP
does not recommend decreasing the value.
OpenVMS Upgrade Options:
Upgrade Disk: Device name of the system disk containing a previous version of
OpenVMS that has to be upgraded. For example — DKA200.
Create/Validate Boot Options: Select this if you want OpenVMS to create a new
boot option if none exists for the selected system disk, or to validate an existing
boot option in the EFI Boot Manager boot options menu.
D.1 HP SIM Provisioning of OpenVMS 269