
to the appropriate network and are bootable using the InfoServer, in which case it does
not matter which one you select. Note also that once you have OpenVMS running, you
can display the devices and their corresponding MAC addresses by using the LANCP
command SHOW CONFIG at the DCL prompt. The command lists the OpenVMS device
names along with the MAC address and other characteristics. Likewise, with OpenVMS
running, the EFI Utilities for OpenVMS vms_show command might provide additional
information about any devices on the local system.
Booting with EFI lanboot select command
For OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1 and lower:
a. From the EFI Boot Manager screen, select the EFI Shell [Built-in] option.
b. At the Shell prompt, enter the lanboot select command.
c. When prompted, enter the number for the LAN device that has the MAC address.
For OpenVMS Version 8.4 and later:
a. From the EFI Boot Manager screen, select the EFI Shell [Built-in] option.
b. At the Shell prompt, enter the following commands to setup appropriate boot flags and
service name:
Shell> SET VMS_FLAGS 0,200400
(where I64084 is the InfoServer service name to be used for booting/installation. The
service name entered must be in uppercase.)
c. Now enter lanboot select at the shell prompt. When prompted, enter the number
for the LAN devices that have the MAC address specified when you configured BOOTP
in Section C.4 (page 235).
An alternate to this is to setup a Directed Boot profile by specifying the flags and InfoServer
service name as part of optional data in the following manner.
dbprofile -dn <profile name> -sip <server IP address> -cip <Client IP address> -m <subnet mask> -gip
<gateway IP> -b <full path to VMS_LOADER.EFI in the boot server> -od -fl 0,200400 -service I64084
For more information on the DBPROFILE command, see the EFI online help. Now execute
the lanboot select command as follows:
lanboot select -dn <profile name>
3. When you select the appropriate entry, you see several lines of messages and then the
InfoServer boot menu (the same boot menu you would see on an Alpha system), as in the
following examples. The DHCP (Dynamic Host Communication Protocol) message indicates
the loading of the loader image (VMS_LOADER.EFI) that uses the EFI console to load and
start the OpenVMS bootstrap (IPB.EXE). The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) loads the
bootstrap. In the first example, “Integrity servers Upgrade VIA NET” is the boot option for
the InfoServer service. It was selected from the EFI Boot Manager options list (not shown).
In the second example, you notice the loading of memory disk message prior to IPB load.
Since the service name is pre-decided by setting the environment variable or have specified
it through BOOT_OPTIONS.COM, the InfoServer service menu is not displayed in the
second example.
240 Setting Up and Performing Network Booting