
Copy the client file to a temporary directory on the PC using either of the following procedures:
Create a file share to the OpenVMS system and copy the file.
Use FTP on the PC to copy the file from the OpenVMS system.
H.2.6 Installation Directory
The installation procedure allows you to select the installation directory and suggests \Program
Files\OpenVMS Mgmt Station\ as the default.
H.2.7 Installation Procedure
Run the TNT032-D.EXE file from a temporary directory. This is a self-extracting executable file
that automates the OpenVMS Management Station installation.
H.2.8 Recovering from Errors
If an error occurs during installation, you will receive an error message describing the problem.
This information can help you determine the cause of the problem. An error can occur during
the installation if one or more of the following conditions exist:
The operating system version is incorrect.
Disk space and memory necessary for successful installation are inadequate.
H.3 After Installing the Client Software on Your PC
When you create an OpenVMS Cluster or OpenVMS Node object in an OpenVMS Management
Domain, you select the transport you want to use for all connections to that system. You can
choose DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS or TCP/IP.
OpenVMS Management Station uses this transport for all communications between the PC and
this system, or between any other OpenVMS system that is running the OpenVMS Management
Station server and this system.
NOTE: For primary servers, the OpenVMS Management Station client supports only TCP/IP
connections. That is, the connection between the PC and the OpenVMS system uses only TCP/IP.
Therefore, at least one OpenVMS system must be running TCP/IP.
You do need to make sure that your PC can connect to the primary-server systems, as described
in the following sections. OpenVMS Management Station connects your PC to the primary-server
system and then routes management operations to the target systems.
H.4 Defining TCP/IP Nodes
Your hosts file or name server must be able to resolve the IP name or address of all primary-server
systems. If you can successfully ping the primary-server systems from your PC, then this condition
is met.
H.5 Removing Version 2.1 of the OpenVMS Management Station Client
Version 3.2 (or later) of the OpenVMS Management Station client is not dependent on Version
2.1 and does not share any files with this earlier version. After installing the Version 3.2 (or later)
client, you can remove the Version 2.1 client software.
H.6 Removing OpenVMS Management Station
If you need to remove the OpenVMS Management Station client software, make sure you first
exit OpenVMS Management Station. The removal process fails if OpenVMS Management Station
is running.
If you run the OpenVMS Management Station Help, the following files might be created:
318 Preparing to Use OpenVMS Management Station