4. Configure DECnet if it was installed or added during an upgrade (Section 7.8.4 (page 135)).
5. Configure TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS if it was installed or added during an upgrade
(Section 7.8.5 (page 135)).
6. If neither DECnet nor TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is being used, install and configure
third-party networking software, if necessary (Section 7.8.6 (page 136)).
7. Update SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to have networking software (and, optionally, any other
additional products you have installed) start at boot (Section 7.18 (page 161)).
For instructions on customizing the system, review the following documentation:
• The release notes, for notes and restrictions that might be relevant to your customization
• The HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, for instructions on customizing and using your
Note that other customization tasks are described later in this chapter.
7.8.1 Creating Network Proxy Authorization Files
After a new installation of OpenVMS that includes DECnet, or after an upgrade in which you
have added DECnet, create your network proxy authorization files. These files include security
authorization information for users using network proxy accounts. If you do not create these
network authorization files before starting up your system, you might see messages such as the
following during startup:
Message from user SYSTEM on HOMER
%SECSRV-E-NOPROXYDB, cannot find proxy database file NET$PROXY.DAT
%RMS-E-FNF, file not found
The NET$PROXY.DAT file is the primary network proxy authorization file. The other network
authorization file to be created is NETPROXY.DAT. To create the network proxy authorization
files, enter the following commands:
NOTE: Be sure you create the network proxy authorization files before starting the queue
manager (as described in Section 7.8.2 (page 133)).
If you see messages similar to the following when you create the proxy files, you can ignore
%UAF-W-NETCHANERR, error assigning a channel to NET:
-SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHDEV, no such device available
For more information about network proxy accounts and files, see the HP OpenVMS System
Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials. For more information about the Authorize utility, see the
HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L.
7.8.2 Setting Up the Queue Manager and Default Queues
The initial installation of OpenVMS does not create the queue manager or any queues. HP
recommends that you create the queue manager and your default batch and print queues now.
When you install layered products (as described in Section 7.15 (page 159)), some of these products
expect such queues to be present or try to create queues themselves.
7.8 Customizing the System (New Installations, Some Upgrades) 133