vMedia also allows the installation of layered products, either remotely or on systems without
a built-in DVD drive. The connected virtual device is not limited to installation or upgrade
purposes. You can access the virtual device while OpenVMS is running. For example, you can
use vMedia to install and enable layered products.
NOTE: DVDs are accessible by vMedia as read only.
The vMedia device is the first in a series of virtual-disk capabilities included in the current
generation of MP hardware. vMedia consists of two primary components:
• On the Integrity servers where OpenVMS is to be installed or upgraded: iLO 2 MP firmware
that emulates a USB DVD and streams the vMedia data across a live network connection
between the remote management console and the Integrity server.
• On the management workstation (the remote x86 PC or Windows server from where you
will browse to connect to the Integrity servers iLO 2 MP): Java code that provides data to
the iLO 2 MP firmware as requested.
D.2.1 Prerequisites for Using vMedia to Install or Upgrade OpenVMS
The vMedia functionality is included with the iLO 2 MP. OpenVMS supports the use of vMedia
with the HP Integrity rx2660, rx3600, rx6600, rx7620, rx7640, rx8620, and rx8640 servers and with
the Integrity BL860c and BL870c Server Blade products. Using vMedia requires the following:
On Integrity servers:
• On Integrity rx2660, rx3600, and rx6600 servers, vMedia licensing through the Advanced
Server Management option (iLO 2 Advanced Pack) and the user virtual media access right.
vMedia is part of the iLO Advanced Pack feature set. This license is provided and pre-enabled
on the Integrity BL860c and BL870c Server Blade products and on the supported cell-based
servers (rx7640, rx8640, and Superdomes with the sx2000 chipset).
• On the supported cell-based servers, HP Lights Out Advanced/KVM card (AD370A).
On Windows-based PC or server from which you browse to the iLO 2 MP:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6 or later
• Java Plug-in 1.4.2_10 or later.
• The vMedia Java applet has only been tested on x86 PCs and Windows servers.
• An ISO image of the OpenVMS Integrity servers OE DVD stored on a local disk or a network
drive accessible through a high-speed link. To create the ISO image, you can use ILO 2 MP
through your browser, as described in Section D.1.4 (page 250). HP recommends that you
do not use vMedia to install or upgrade directly from a DVD on the management workstation.
280 Using HP SIM and vMedia for Provisioning OpenVMS