
NOTE: To see the MP login user name and password prompts, you might need to press
Enter one or more times on your console keyboard. If this does not work, try pressing Ctrl/B.
If you see only the MP password prompt, press Enter to get to the MP login prompt.
If the login prompt still fails to appear, the system might be powered off. (When you powered
on the system, you might have pressed the power button twice, which turns it on and then
If you see a message similar to the following, another user has the console (only one user
can write to the console, although multiple users can view it).
[Read only - use Ctrl-Ecf for console write access]
To gain control of the console from the other user, press Ctrl/E, release the key combination,
and then immediately type the letters cf. Alternatively, you can have the other user log off.
The system does not work if it is running MP firmware older than version E02.22. For
information about updating the MP firmware, see Section 1.3.6 (page 26).
When the MP> prompt is displayed, move to the EFI interface by entering the co (console
mode) command. If the power or initialization sequence has not completed, you will see
that and must wait until the menu reappears, at which point reenter the co command to get
to the EFI Boot Manager menu. At the EFI Boot Manager menu, select the EFI Shell interface.
On Integrity servers without nPartitions, the co command brings you directly to the EFI
Boot Manager screen. If you do not enter a command before the EFI countdown timer expires,
the EFI Shell prompt is displayed. (On some servers, the countdown timer is 10 seconds by
default; on others, such as Server Blade products, it might be even less.) When the operating
system is running, the co command brings you to the console port of the operating system.
On cell-based servers, unless you are using a single-partition user account, the co command
first brings you to a console menu that lists the available nPartitions. Select the appropriate
nPartition to access the EFI Boot Manager console for that nPartition. The following example
shows a console menu (menus and displays such as this might vary from system to system):
Partitions available:
# Name
--- ----
1) MIA1
2) MIA2
4) LAN
Q) Quit
Please select partition number:
If the co command results in a screen that is unexpected or difficult to interpret, pressing
Enter might help. If you are at an EFI submenu instead of the main menu, navigate to the
main menu by exiting from the submenu and any subsequent submenus until you return
to the EFI main menu.
For more information about determining which nPartition to access, see the nPartition
Administrator's Guide (previously titled HP System Partitions Guide: Administration for
nPartitions) or the appropriate hardware documentation.
3. Access the EFI Boot Configuration menu. The EFI Boot Manager screen includes a boot
menu. The default menu option is highlighted, as shown in the following example:
B.2 Selecting Your OpenVMS Console for the Integrity servers System 197