1.4.6 Using the Remove Installed Products Option (6)
Option 6 allows you to remove products that were installed or registered with the PCSI utility.
(This option removes complete products. To remove patches, use option 7, as described in
Section 1.4.7 (page 39).)
IMPORTANT: Do not remove the following system-integrated products (SIPs): Availability
Manager, CDSA, HPBinarychecker, Kerberos, SSL, TDC_RT, WBEM Services for OpenVMS
(WBEMCIM), and WBEM Providers for OpenVMS. These products are tightly bound with the
operating system. Attempts to remove any of these products might not work as expected and
can create undesirable side effects.
When you select option 6, you are prompted for a target disk name and whether you want brief
or detailed descriptions about the remove options. The procedure then lists the products you
can remove. You can select any or all of these products, or you can exit without removing any
The following is a sample display of the prompts and information that appear when you select
option 6. The version numbers in this example do not necessarily reflect the version numbers of
the products actually shipped with OpenVMS Version 8.4.
This procedure will ask a series of questions.
() - encloses acceptable answers
[] - encloses default answers
Type your response and press the <Return> key. Type:
? - to repeat an explanation
^ - to change prior input (not always possible)
Ctrl/Y - to exit the installation procedure
You must enter the device name for the target disk on which
the layered product(s) removal will be performed.
Enter device name for target disk: [DKB300:] (? for choices) DKB300
DKB300: is labeled V84SYS.
The remove operation can provide brief or detailed descriptions.
In either case, you can request the detailed descriptions by typing "?".
Do you always want detailed descriptions? (Yes/No) [No] NO
1 - HP I64VMS AVAIL_MAN_BASE V8.3 Layered Product
2 - HP I64VMS CDSA V2.3-306 Layered Product
3 - HP I64VMS DECNET_PHASE_IV V8.3 Layered Product
4 - HP I64VMS DECNET_PLUS V8.3 Layered Product
5 - HP I64VMS DWMOTIF V1.6 Layered Product
6 - HP I64VMS DWMOTIF_SUPPORT V8.3 Layered Product
7 - HP I64VMS HPBINARYCHECKER V1.0 Layered Product
8 - HP I64VMS KERBEROS V3.1-152 Layered Product
9 - HP I64VMS SSL V1.4-284 Layered Product
10 - HP I64VMS TCPIP V5.7 Layered Product
11 - HP I64VMS TDC_RT V2.3-1 Layered Product
12 - HP I64VMS WBEMCIM V2.91-A070728 Layered Product
13 - HP I64VMS WBEMPROVIDERS V2.0-31 Layered Product
13 - All products listed above
? - Help
E - Exit
38 Getting Started