
1. Enter the SHOW DEVICE D command to display a list of disks available on your system.
For example:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt
Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt
$11$DKB100: (NODE1) Online 0
$11$DKB200: (NODE1) Mounted 0 I64084 918150 1 31
2. Enter a command in the following format:
MOUNT/CONFIRM/SYSTEM DSAn: /SHADOW=(upgraded-disk:,new-member:) volume-label
DSAn: is the virtual unit name of the shadow set, where n is a unique number from 0
to 999.
upgraded-disk: is the name of the shadowed system disk on which you just upgraded or
installed OpenVMS.
new-member: is the name of the disk you want to add as a member of the shadow set.
volume-label is the volume label of the shadow set you just upgraded or the disk you
are creating.
NOTE: When you form the shadow set, the contents of the new member are replaced by
the contents of the disk you upgraded. Specifying the /CONFIRM qualifier reminds you of
this fact, confirming that you are specifying the correct name of a disk that either is blank
or contains files you no longer need.
$ MOUNT/CONFIRM/SYSTEM DSA54: /SHADOW=($11$DKB200:,$11$DKB100:) I64084
%MOUNT-F-SHDWCOPYREQ, shadow copy required
Virtual Unit - DSA54 Volume label I64A084
Member Volume label Owner UIC
$11$DKB100: (NODE1) SCRATCH [100,100]
Allow FULL shadow copy on the above member(s)? [N]: YES
NOTE: Before continuing with the next step in this chapter, after the shadow copy completes,
dismount one of the shadow set members to use as a backup. Normally, this should be the unit
you just added to the upgraded volume when you formed the shadow set (in the preceding
example, $11$DKB100:).
For OpenVMS Integrity servers, to add a shadowed system disk in a multiple-member shadow
set to the EFI boot device list and dump device list, HP recommends using the OpenVMS Integrity
servers Boot Manager utility (SYS$MANAGER:BOOT_OPTIONS.COM). Be sure to add all
members to both lists.
7.8 Customizing the System (New Installations, Some Upgrades)
You can customize the system to meet your site-specific needs. In addition, if your Integrity
servers is part of an OpenVMS Cluster environment, you must prepare the cluster environment
and configure the cluster. The following subsections describe the customization tasks you can
perform at this time. In general, these tasks apply to new installations only; however, in some
cases, they apply to upgrades. The tasks are as follows:
1. Create network proxy authorization files (Section 7.8.1 (page 133)).
2. Set up the queue manager, configure shared files (when multiple system disks are present),
and start the default batch and print queues (Section 7.8.2 (page 133)).
3. Configure your multihead system, if applicable (Section 7.8.3 (page 134)).
132 After Installing or Upgrading the OpenVMS Operating System