EXPECTED_VOTES parameter, 165
group number
rules for creating, 43
information required for OpenVMS installation, 41–44
prompts, 78, 79
supplying ALLOCLASS parameter, 79
installing, 78
installing TDC_RT, 149
label for system disk, 301
local area, 329
migration support, 41, 95
defined, 329
mixed-version support, 95
after upgrade, 165
rules for creating, 43
adjusting using Availability Manager or DECamds,
adjusting using IPC, 100
maintaining during rolling upgrades, 100
rebooting members, 162
concurrent, 97
preparing for, 95–101
rolling, 98
setting membership information, 114
tasks after shutdown, 123
types of, 97–101
warranted support, 41, 95
defined, 333
OpenVMS Debugger
installing clients on a PC, 150
OpenVMS Galaxy
creating an instance, 61, 115
OpenVMS instance
defined, 330
OpenVMS Integrity servers
boot behavior
configuring, 205
boot flags, 205
automatic, 205, 207
conversational, 218
from a different root, 220
manually, 217
with minimum startup, 219
with XDELTA, 219
component options, 71
firmware, 26
layered products
installing, 160
OE DVD, 25
booting, 213
shutting down, 224
OpenVMS Integrity servers Boot Manager
(BOOT_OPTIONS.COM) utility, 188, 203
(see also EFI Boot Manager)
adding boot entry for system disk, 60, 114, 205
changing EFI boot timeout value, 208
displaying boot options, 208
overview, 200
OpenVMS internationalization (VMSI18N) data kit
installation, 309
OpenVMS Management Station
defined, 330
defining TCP/IP nodes, 318
disk quotas, 316
error log, 313
getting started, 319
preparing the PC, 317
preparing to use, 150, 311–319
problem reporting, 317
removing, 318
removing, 317
system files, 313
uninstalling V2.1 client, 318
Operating Environment
(see OE (Operating Environment))
Operating system
defined, 330
removing, 321
defined, 21, 330
Operating system CD/DVD
booting for installation, 45–50
booting for upgrade, 103–107
Operating system menu
accessing DCL, 40
displaying installed products, 35–36
displaying layered products, 32–33
installing OpenVMS, 30–32, 55–76
installing or upgrading layered products, 33–35
patches and recovery data operations, 39–40
reconfiguring installed products, 36–37
removing installed products, 38–39
shutting down the system, 40
upgrading OpenVMS, 30–32, 107–123
using, 29–40
saving from installation, 25
Page file
checking size, 165
modifying size, 163
PAK (Product Authorization Key)
registering after an installation or upgrade, 128
registering during installation, 66
defined, 331
Partition Manager, 24, 190