
iLO See MP.
InfoServer A general-purpose disk storage server (virtual device server). It can make devices available to
client systems on the LAN. Client systems can connect to the virtual devices and use them as
though they are locally attached devices. OpenVMS systems connected to the same LAN can
boot from a virtual drive available from the InfoServer instead of from a local CD or DVD.
Insight Power
See IPM.
instance See OpenVMS instance.
Instant Capacity See iCAP.
Integrated Lights
Out (iLO)
See MP.
Integrity VM The HP Integrity VM product allows you to install and run multiple systems (virtual machines)
on the same physical host system.
IPM Insight Power Manager. An integrated power monitoring and management application that
provides centralized control of server power consumption and thermal output at the datacenter
level. It extends the capacity of datacenters by enabling the user to control the amount of power
and cooling required for servers.
Kerberos A network authentication protocol that provides authentication for applications using secret-key
crytpography. Kerberos is automatically installed with the OpenVMS operating system.
layered products Products, including SIPs, provided by HP and third parties that can installed on an OpenVMS
See also SIP.
local area
Cluster system
A configuration consisting of one or more computers that act as a MOP server and disk server,
and a number of low-end computers that act as satellite nodes. The LAN connects all of the
computers. These computers share a single file system.
local drive A drive, such as a CD, DVD, or disk drive, that is connected directly to a computer. If you have
a standalone computer, it is likely that all drives connected to the system are local drives.
logical CPU An execution thread contained within a core on Integrity servers with Intel Itanium Dual-Core
processors. With Hyper-Threading enabled, each core can contain multiple logical CPUs.
See also core, Hyper-Threading.
See MOP.
See MP.
MCOE Mission Critical Operating Environment. Discontinued operating environment for OpenVMS
for Integrity servers available prior to OpenVMS Version 8.4 and since replaced by the Data
Center Operating Environment (DCOE).
See also BOE, DCOE.
media Any packaging agents capable of storing computer software (for example, compact discs,
magnetic tapes, floppy disks, disk packs, and tape cartridges).
migration support In OpenVMS Clusters, migration support means that HP has qualified the versions for use
together in configurations that are migrating in a staged fashion to a newer version of OpenVMS
VAX, OpenVMS Alpha, or OpenVMS Integrity servers. Problem reports submitted against
these configurations are answered by HP. However, in exceptional cases HP might request
moving to a warranted configuration as part of the solution. Migration support helps customers
move to warranted OpenVMS Cluster pairs.
See also warranted support.
Mission Critical
MOP Maintenance Operations Protocol. A protocol used for operations such as downline loading
and upline dumping.