
help text, 69
HP SIM provisioning, 259
information needed for OpenVMS Cluster, 41–44
Integrity VM guest operating system, 52
layered products, 67, 71
after installation or upgrade, 159
license registration, 66
on target disk, 72
OpenVMS Debugger clients, 150
PCSI, 30
procedure, 55–76
prompts, 54
rebooting system, 81
recording, 25
selecting component options, 69
setting passwords, 60
specifying OpenVMS Cluster configuration, 78
stages of, 45
system information, providing, 60
third-party networking software, 136
windowing and networking products, 67
Installed products
displaying, 35
removing, 38
Instant Capacity (see iCAP (Instant Capacity))
Integrated Lights Out
(see iLO (Integrated Lights Out))
Integrity servers
boot behavior
configuring, 203–211
boot device
setting, 203–211
showing, 203, 205, 208
boot flag parameters
setting, 205
boot options, 60
during upgrade, 113, 121
EFI boot menu, 200
managing, 203–211
OpenVMS Integrity servers installation, 74
automatic, 205, 207
conversational, 218
emergency, 220
failure, 225
from a different root, 220
manually, 217
with minimum startup, 219
with XDELTA, 219
and equivalent Alpha commands, 211
console configuration, 191
documentation, 22, 187
firmware, 26–28
getting started, 24
halting, 223
hangs or crashes, 223
OE DVD, 25
booting, 213
overview, 22–24
setting up and booting, 24, 187–223
shutting down, 224
system event log (SEL), 211
troubleshooting procedures, 225
utilities and console options, 187–191
Integrity VM guest operating system
Installation, 52
Internationalization (VMSI18N) data kit
installation, 309
IPC (Interrupt Priority C), 100
IPF Offline Diagnostics and Utilities CD, 296
IPM (Insight Power Manager), 23
defined, 329
configuring, 138
defined, 329
installing, 67
installing or upgrading, 30
upgrading, 115
LAN devices
InfoServer support, 168, 229
Layered products
defined, 329
after OpenVMS installation or upgrade, 159
alternative procedure, 160
during OpenVMS installation, 67, 71
during OpenVMS upgrade, 123
installing or upgrading independently of system, 33,
reconfiguring, 36
registering, 33
Secure Delivery, 33, 54, 69, 117, 159
system upgrade effect on, 85
compressing and decompressing, 80
expanding or compressing, 153
License Management utility
using, 129
Licenses, 67
after installation or upgrade, 128
during installation, 66
update requirements for system upgrade, 84
upgrade effect on layered products, 85
Local area OpenVMS Cluster
defined, 329
Local drive
defined, 21, 329
for installation, 25
Logging in
problems due to forgotten password, 177, 222