7. Now that you have set up and enabled the InfoServer server, you must use the InfoServer
control program to create a service for the DVD drive. Follow these steps:
a. Mount the OpenVMS distribution media systemwide. In the following example, DQA0
is the DVD drive name (typically, DQA0 or DNA0 is the drive name) and I64084 is the
volume label (for OpenVMS Integrity servers):
b. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt to define the InfoServer control
program as a foreign command, or enter the line in a startup or login command file:
Alternatively, you can enter the following command to start the program:
c. Start the InfoServer control program and create the service, as in the following example
(the colon after the device name DQA0 is required):
The created service should now be available for any InfoServer clients in the same LAN
(these clients broadcast service solicitations over the LAN).
Started as in this example, the InfoServer control program accepts multiple commands
until you exit by entering the EXIT command (or pressing Ctrl/Z). You can also enter a
single command at the DCL prompt, returning you immediately to the DCL prompt
The InfoServer control program commands are similar, though not identical, to those
supported by the hardware InfoServer used traditionally by OpenVMS Alpha systems.
For more information, see the InfoServer help (at the InfoServer prompt, enter HELP)
or the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.
8. On OpenVMS Alpha systems only, you must perform the following steps:
a. Enable MOP to use LANACP or DECnet on the system on which the OpenVMS
InfoServer utility is being used. For information about enabling MOP, see the LANCP
chapter in the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L.
b. Copy the APB_084.SYS file from the OpenVMS Alpha distribution media to the MOP
download directory (LAN$DLL, which defaults to MOM$SYSTEM).
C.4 Setting Up the BOOTP Boot Server and TFTP Server (OpenVMS Integrity
servers Only)
The BOOTP boot server for the OpenVMS Integrity servers InfoServer utility can be on the same
system or on any system in the same LAN as the InfoServer application for OpenVMS Integrity
servers Version 8.3-1H1 and lower. For OpenVMS Version 8.4 onwards, when booting via memory
disk, make sure that the BOOTP server and LAN server is the same system. TFTP is required on
the boot server for supplying the boot files to the client systems.
The steps necessary to set up the boot server and boot files are as follows:
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