
DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS or DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS with DECnet Phase IV
addresses, then SCSNODE must be the same as your DECnet node name.
The following is an example of the display and a valid response:
For your system to operate properly, you must set two parameters:
SCSNODE can be from 1 to 6 letters or numbers. It must contain at
least one letter.
If you plan to use DECnet, SCSNODE must be the DECnet Phase IV
node name, or the DECnet-Plus (Phase V) node synonym.
If you have multiple OpenVMS systems, the SCSNODE on each system
must be unique.
13. Declare Use of DECnet; Setting SCSSYSTEMID System Parameter: The next prompt asks
whether you plan to use DECnet. It also informs you that the SCSYSYSTEMID system
parameter is based on the DECnet Phase IV address. SCSSYSTEMID must also be unique
within an OpenVMS Cluster.
If you plan to use DECnet, SCSSYSTEMID must be set based on the
DECnet Phase IV address.
Do you plan to use DECnet (Yes/No) [YES]: YES
If you answer YES, the information about the DECnet Phase IV addresses is displayed along
with a prompt for a DECnet Phase IV address. Enter a valid DECnet Phase IV address, as
in the following example:
DECnet Phase IV addresses are in the format
DECnet_area_number is a number between 1 and 63.
DECnet_node_number is a number between 1 and 1023.
If you plan to use DECnet WITHOUT Phase IV compatible addresses,
enter 0.0.
Enter DECnet (Phase IV) Address [1.1]: 63.180
A display such as the following informs you of the value assigned to SCSSYSTEMID:
SCSSYSTEMID will be set to 64692.
This was calculated as follows:
(DECnet_area_number * 1024) + DECnet_node_number
If you are not using DECnet, or if you enter 0.0 as the DECnet Phase IV address, you are
prompted to enter a SCSSSYSTEMID in the range of 1 to 65535. If this is a standalone system,
the default of 65534 is acceptable. However, if this system is part of an OpenVMS Cluster,
you must enter a SCSSYSTEMID that is unique within the cluster. The following is a sample
The system cannot calculate SCSSYSTEMID from an address that is not
compatible with DECnet Phase-IV.
You will have to choose a value for SCSSYSTEMID.
If you plan to use LAT software, you may have to add /NODECNET to any
Please choose a SCSSYSTEMID between 1 and 65535. If you have multiple
62 Installing the OpenVMS Operating System