NOTE: As indicated in the file comments, the LAD cache comes out of nonpaged pool. If
you increase the cache significantly, you might need to increase the nonpaged pool SYSGEN
parameters (NPAGEDYN and NPAGEVIR).
3. Determine which network device will be used for InfoServer LAD operations. You can use
any network device that is visible to OpenVMS. Typically, any network device that works
with DECnet or TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS should work. Use the LANCP command
SHOW CONFIGURATION to determine which device to use, as described in Section C.2.1
(page 229).
For this release of OpenVMS, the LASTport protocol runs on only a single network device.
To enable this device, copy the SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAST_STARTUP.TEMPLATE file to
the SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAST_STARTUP.DAT file, and then open the
SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAST_STARTUP.DAT file and make the following changes:
a. Remove the comment character (!) from the line that has the following text: DEVICE =
(). Within the parentheses, specify the device name. For example: DEVICE = (EIA).
b. Comment out the line that specifies ALL_CONTROLLERS = ON (comment out a line
by inserting an exclamation point (!) at the beginning of the line).
The following example shows the SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAST_STARTUP.DAT file with the
suggested changes made (shown in bold):
! This file will be used to set the appropriate LASTCP qualifiers. The following
! can be set by using the following statement format:
! LASTCP qualifier = 1 to enable e.g. SLOW_MODE = 1 enables SLOW_MODE
! LASTCP qualifier = 0 to disable e.g. SLOW_MODE = 0 disables SLOW_MODE
! The remaining LASTCP qualifiers will require the appropriate value settings.
DEVICE = (EIA) ! Uncommented; device name specified
! TIMEOUT = n minimum interval in seconds
! CIRCUIT_MAXIMUM = n maximum number of nodes
! GROUP = n Group number
! NODE_NAME = name Node name
! CONTROLLERS = ([{controller letter,}...]) Controller list
! TRANSMIT_QUOTA = n Number of transmit buffers
!ALL_CONTROLLERS = ON ! Commented out
4. Add the following line to the system startup file SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:
5. If you changed any SYSGEN parameters, run AUTOGEN and reboot (for information about
running AUTOGEN, see Section 7.24 (page 162)). If no SYSGEN parameters were changed,
you can skip the reboot and execute the SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAD_STARTUP.COM file
After you complete these steps, the InfoServer server software is running and available to
serve boot requests. The network devices are LAD0 (the LAD Server Virtual Device) and
LAST0 (the LAST Transport Layer Virtual Device).
6. The InfoServer server can run on the same system as the InfoServer client. You might want
to start the InfoServer client on this system, allowing the system to mount InfoServer devices.
To start the InfoServer on this system, enter the following command at the DCL prompt:
To have the InfoServer client start at system boot, include the command in
234 Setting Up and Performing Network Booting