• The hardware manuals that are supplied with your Alpha or Integrity servers computer.
These manuals provide detailed information about your system hardware, including the
operation of the system unit, the drives, and the monitor.
During the course of installing, upgrading, or using the OpenVMS operating system on your
computer, you could refer to the following documents as well:
• HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual, which contains detailed information about
registering your software licenses.
• HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual and the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities
Reference Manual, which contain information about system management operations and
utilities that you might need to use when you install, upgrade, customize, and maintain
your OpenVMS system. The HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual:
M-Z provides complete information about using the PCSI utility PRODUCT command to
add or remove files, install other software, and related operations.
• HP Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS, which you might need if you are installing or upgrading
the OpenVMS operating system on a shadowed system disk.
• HP OpenVMS Management Station Installation Guide, which provides information about getting
started, setting up, and using OpenVMS Management Station.
For additional information about HP OpenVMS products and services, see the following website:
For information about managing nPartitions on midrange or Superdome servers, see the nPartition
Administrator's Guide (previously titled HP System Partitions Guide: Administration for nPartitions).
For the latest hardware documentation for HP Integrity servers, see the following website:
For the latest hardware documentation for Alpha computers, see the following website:
Publishing History
The document printing date and part number indicate the document’s current edition. The
printing date will change when a new edition is printed. Minor changes may be made at reprint
without changing the printing date. The document part number will change when extensive
changes are made. Document updates may be issued between editions to correct errors or
document product changes. To ensure that you receive the updated or new editions, you should
subscribe to the appropriate product support service. See your HP sales representative for details.
You can find the latest version of this document on line at:
OpenVMS Systems Documentation website.
Publication DateEdition NumberSupported VersionsSupported Operating
Manufacturing Part
June, 20102.0Version 8.4OpenVMS Integrity
servers; OpenVMS
November, 20091.0Version 8.4OpenVMS Integrity
servers; OpenVMS
October, 20071.0Version 8.3-1H1OpenVMS Integrity
Publishing History 19