■ The PureDisk plug-in sends only unique data segments to the NetBackup
Deduplication Engine on the storage server. The NetBackup Deduplication
Engine writes the data to the media server deduplication pool.
Figure 9-3 shows the backup process when a media server deduplicates the
backups. The destination is a PureDisk storage pool. A description follows.
Figure 9-3
Deduplication to a PureDisk storage pool
Deduplication storage server
Master server
Control path
Data path
PureDisk deduplication pool
Thefollowing list describesthe backup processwhen amedia server deduplicates
the backups and the destination is a PureDisk storage pool:
■ TheNetBackup JobManager(nbjm) startsthe Backup/RestoreManager (bpbrm)
on a media server.
■ The Backup/RestoreManager startsthe bptm process on themedia serverand
the bpbkar process on the client).
■ TheBackup/ArchiveManager (bpbkar)generatesthebackup imagesandmoves
them to the media server bptm process.
This example shows two media servers.
■ The bptm process moves the data to the PureDisk plug-in.
■ The PureDisk plug-in performs file fingerprinting calculations.
■ ThePureDisk plug-insends onlyunique datasegments tothe PureDiskstorage
113Deduplication architecture
Media server deduplication process