In the Change StorageServer dialog box, select the Media Servers tab
(Windows) or the Login Credentials tab (UNIX).
Clear the check box of the media server you want to remove.
Click OK.
Viewing deduplication storage servers
Use theNetBackup Administration Console to viewa list of deduplication storage
servers already configured.
To view deduplication storage servers
In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media andDevice
Management >Credentials > Storage Server.
The All StorageServers pane shows all configured deduplication storage
servers. deduplication storage servers show PureDisk in the Disk Type
Viewing deduplication storage server attributes
Usethe NetBackupnbdevquerycommand toview thededuplicationstorage server
Theserver_name youusein thenbdevquery commandmust matchthe configured
nameof the storageserver. If thestorage servername is itsfully-qualified domain
name, you must use that for server_name.
Managing deduplication
Managing deduplication servers