NetBackup deduplicates the client data that it sends to a deduplication storage
Configuring optimized deduplication copy
You can configure optimized copy of deduplicated backups.
See “About optimized duplication of deduplicated data” on page 28.
To configure optimized duplication of deduplicated data
Ensure that all requirements are met.
See “Optimized deduplication copy requirements” on page 28.
Use one of the following methods to duplicate backup images:
■ A storage lifecycle policy to copy images automatically.
For the Backup destination Storage unit, select the storage unit for the
source media server deduplication pool. For the Duplication destination
Storage unit, select the storage unit for the destination disk pool. That
disk pool may be a media server deduplication pool or a PureDisk
deduplication pool.
See the NetBackup Administrator’s Guide for UNIX and Linux or the
NetBackup Administrator’s Guide for Windows.
■ A Vault policy to copy images automatically.
On the Profile dialog box ChooseBackups tab,choose thebackup images
inthe sourcemediaserver deduplicationpool. FortheDestination Storage
unit on the Duplication tab, select the storage unit for the destination
disk pool. That disk pool may be a media server deduplication pool or a
PureDisk deduplication pool.
See the NetBackup Vault Administrator’s Guide.
■ The NetBackup bpduplicate command to copy images manually.
Duplicate from the source media server deduplication pool to another
media server deduplication pool or to a PureDisk deduplication pool.
See NetBackup Commands.
You can apply separate retention periodsto each copy. Forexample, you can
retainthe primary copyfor three weeksand the destinationcopy for alonger
period of time. If you delete the source image, the copy is not deleted.
Configuring optimized deduplication copy behavior
You can configure several optimized deduplication copy behaviors, as follows:
57Configuring deduplication
Configuring optimized deduplication copy