For example, assume that you have 100 important clients, 500 regular clients,
and four media servers. You can use two media servers to back up your most
important clients and two media servers to back up you regular clients.
The following example describes how to configure a favorable client-to-server
■ Configure the media servers for NetBackup deduplication and configure the
■ Configure a disk pool.
■ Configure astorage unitfor yourmost importantclients (such asSTU-GOLD).
Select the disk pool. Select Only usethe following media servers. Select two
media servers to use for your important backups.
■ Create abackup policyfor the100 importantclients and selectthe STU-GOLD
storageunit. Themedia serversthat are specified inthe storageunit movethe
client data to the deduplication storage server.
■ Configure another storage unit (such as STU-SILVER). Select the same disk
pool. Select Onlyusethefollowingmediaservers.Select theother twomedia
■ Configureabackup policyforthe 500regularclientsandselect theSTU-SILVER
storageunit. Themedia serversthat are specified inthe storageunit movethe
client data to the deduplication storage server.
Backup traffic is routed to the wanted data movers by the storage unit settings.
Note: NetBackup uses storage units for media server selection for write activity
(backupsand duplications)only. Forrestores, NetBackupchooses amongall media
servers that can access the disk pool.
Throttle traffic to the media servers
You can usethe Maximumconcurrentjobs settings on disk pool storage unitsto
throttlethe traffic tothe mediaservers. Effectively,thissetting alsodirects higher
loads to specific media servers when you use multiple storage units for the same
disk pool. A higher number of concurrent jobs means that the disk can be busier
than if the number is lower.
For example, two storage units use the same set of media servers. One of the
storage units (STU-GOLD) has a higher Maximum concurrentjobs setting than
the other (STU-SILVER). More client backups occur for the storage unit with the
higher Maximum concurrentjobs setting.
55Configuring deduplication
Configuring a deduplication storage unit