Table 5-2
Media server deduplication pool properties (continued)
For amedia server deduplicationpool, all diskstorage isexposed
as a single volume.
PureDiskVolume is a virtual name for the storage that is
and the database path.
The amount of space available in the disk pool.Availablespace
The total raw size of the storage in the disk pool.Rawsize
A comment that is associated with the disk pool.Comment
The high water mark is a threshold that indicates the
PureDiskVolume is full. When the PureDiskVolume is at the
high water mark, NetBackup fails any backup jobs that are
assigned to the disk pool storage unit.
contain enough storage for its estimated space requirement.
NetBackupagainassignsjobstothestorageunit whenthecapacity
ofthePureDiskVolumedrops belowthe highwatermark.Capacity
is regained as backup images expire.
NetBackupdoes not assign backup jobs to the disk pool if used
The default is 98%.
The low water mark has no affect on the PureDiskVolume.
Thelowwatermarksettingcannotbegreater thanorequaltothe
high water mark setting.
The default is 80%
51Configuring deduplication
Configuring a deduplication pool