■ Optimizedduplication failover.By default, ifan optimizedduplication jobfails,
NetBackup does not run the job again.
■ Number of optimized duplication attempts. You can specify the number of
timesNetBackupretries anoptimizeddeduplication jobbeforeit failsthejobs.
■ Storagelifecycle policy retries.If theoptimized deduplication jobis configured
in a storage lifecycle policy, NetBackup retries the job three times.
Caution: These settings affect all optimized duplication jobs, not just optimized
deduplication copy jobs.
To configure NetBackup to revert to normal duplication if an optimized job fails
Add the following entry to the bp.conf file on the NetBackup master server:
On Windows systems, NetBackup configuration options are in the Windows
To configure the number of duplication attempts
Add an OPT_DUP_BUSY_RETRY_LIMIT entry in the NetBackup behavior file.
For example, the following entry configures NetBackup to retry the job four
times before NetBackup fails the job:
The behavior file resides in the following directories:
■ UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config/behavior
■ Windows: install_path\NetBackup\db\config\behavior.
To configure the number of storage lifecycle policy retries
Delay more retries by adding an IMAGE_EXTENDED_RETRY_PERIOD_IN_HOURS
entryin theNetBackup behaviorfile. Thedefault forthisvalue isthree hours.
Adding a load balancing server
You can add a load balancing server to an existing media server deduplication
See “About deduplication servers” on page 21.
Configuring deduplication
Adding a load balancing server