Deleting backup images
Imagedeletionmaybe timeconsuming.Therefore,ifyou deleteimagesmanually,
Symantec recommends the following approach.
See “Data removal process” on page 118.
To delete backup images manually
Expire all of the images by using the bpexpdate command and the
-notimmediateoption. The-notimmediateoption preventsbpexpdatefrom
calling the nbdelete command, which deletes the image.
Without this option, bpexpdate calls nbdelete to delete images. Each call to
nbdelete creates a job in the Activity Monitor, allocates resources, and
launches processes on the media server.
Afteryouexpirethe lastimage,delete alloftheimages byusingthenbdelete
command with the –allvolumes option.
Onlyone job iscreated inthe Activity Monitor,fewer resources areallocated,
and fewer processes are started on the media servers. The entire process of
expiring images and deleting images takes less time.
Disabling deduplication for a client
If you remove a client from the list of clients that deduplicate their own data,
NetBackup backs up the client normally.
To disable client deduplication for a client
In the NetBackup Administration Console, expand NetBackupManagement
> HostProperties > Master Servers.
In the details pane, select the master server.
On the Actions menu, select Properties.
On the Host Properties ClientAttributes General tab, select the client that
deduplicates its own data.
In the DeduplicationLocation drop-down list, select Always use the media
Click OK.
About maintenance processing
The following are background maintenance processes:
Managing deduplication
Deleting backup images